Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Teens use spreadsheets too!

Often managers, business owners or teachers use spreadsheets, but really, spreadsheets can be used by anyone! Even teenagers! Although, teenagers may not be able to use spreadsheets as well as everyone else, teens can use them for some reasons. One way a spreadsheet could be used by a teen is by keeping track of money. Maybe they get a check every month and need to keep track of it. Or maybe, they need to keep track of how much money they can spend on a certain object depending on how much money they have. Teens can also use spreadsheets in class. Maybe in science they have to make a chart of some data they recorded, spreadsheets would make that simple. And lastly, another way teens can use spreadsheets is by keeping up with everything they do. They can type down everything they do that day and throughout the week to keep track of everything. So spreadsheets can be used for everyone.

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