Friday, February 27, 2015

Nothing Escapes the Internet

The quote, “Once it’s on the Internet, it’s there forever!”, this could mean many different things to many different people. To me, this quote means that anything you post on the internet sticks forever. No matter how much you think that you deleted it, its still there. People now have the ability to screenshot, so whatever you post can be screen shotted and kept forever! The ways to prevent this is to not post anything on the internet that you don't want everyone in the world to see. Never post your address or personal information! That is the worst mistake anyone can make because people can get your personal information and stalk you. Always remember, after you post it, its there forever!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

iPhone 6 Plus

Some people enjoy the iPhone 6 Plus and some people hate it, but isn't it like that about every new phone invented? The iPhone 6 plus uses a lot more data than any of the other Apple products. The problem with the more data used, is that the bill could be a lot higher. People with pre-paid plans are good to go though because they have a stable amount every month. Most people enjoy the iPhone 6 plus because it gives you a way bigger screen to look at videos and picture on. I think I am ready to get my iPhone 6 plus! Technology is doing big things!