Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Teens use spreadsheets too!

Often managers, business owners or teachers use spreadsheets, but really, spreadsheets can be used by anyone! Even teenagers! Although, teenagers may not be able to use spreadsheets as well as everyone else, teens can use them for some reasons. One way a spreadsheet could be used by a teen is by keeping track of money. Maybe they get a check every month and need to keep track of it. Or maybe, they need to keep track of how much money they can spend on a certain object depending on how much money they have. Teens can also use spreadsheets in class. Maybe in science they have to make a chart of some data they recorded, spreadsheets would make that simple. And lastly, another way teens can use spreadsheets is by keeping up with everything they do. They can type down everything they do that day and throughout the week to keep track of everything. So spreadsheets can be used for everyone.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Cyberbullying Tips

If I had a friend that was being cyberbullied, I would try my best to be there for them. If my friend was the one being bullied, I would tell them to ignore what all the bullies are saying because they are all not true. If the bullies still kept getting to my friend, I would help my friend tell them to stop. If that only made things worse I would help my friend tell her parents or any other adults that could help. If the bullying keeps occurring I would help my friend seek other attention by adults that could help.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Technology Communication

In today's society technology is the big thing. Everyone seems to have at least one technological device in their house. Technology is the one thing everyone turns to, to communicate with friends and family. Communication is the main thing that technology is used for. In the older days people either went to the persons house they wanted to talk to or they wrote a letter to them. I do agree that technology is ruining peoples writing skills because no one writes much anymore because they just type it out on their device and then their done. Sooner or later people in school are also not even going to be writing anymore. We need to start writing more before we forget how to.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Cyber Security Awareness Month

I feel that cyber security is a big thing. Many people are not being secure enough about the things they post and the things they type into the computer. Once you say something it is out there forever. The article I read is about cyber security and how to be secure on the internet. Always stop, think, then connect when logging onto the internet. Think of all of the cautions you are entering. Always look at the wifi connection you are connected to, to make sure its not a hackers. Don't always trust a "business" page. Some hackers act as if they are a business page to get accurate information from people. It's not good to trust everyone! Stay safe as much as possible! October is Cyber Security Awareness month!

Article post :

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Internet Security

I believe that the internet should be governed. My reason behind my statement is that, there are so many people now faking to be other people and posting false information about that person that could really hurt them. So many people are getting others true information and posting it all over the internet, some stuff that shouldn't even be on the internet is getting posted because people are trying to fake as someone else or ruin the other persons reputation. People are also posting cruel photos of other people and are being mean to them which is a result of bulling. So many people are now beginning to kill themselves because of the cruel things on the internet. I do believe that the internet should be governed so things that I explained will stop happening.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

About Brittney

My name is Brittney. I am a very outgoing girl who loves to be involved in pageants and spend time with my friends. A few things I already know about computers is that they share way too much of our personal information. Also, computers are beginning to be involved in everyday life and are used to do very many things. Finally, in this class I would like to learn how to be more involved in computers instead of just surfing the web. Another thing I want to learn in this class is how computers fully work, I know a lot of how they work but I would like to know more.